Secretary of NEAQA Janko Balšić represented NEAQA at the twelfth bi-monthly meeting of CEENQA (Central and Eastern European Network of Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education) that was held on 20 July 2022 via “ZOOM”.
CEENQA has been organizing bi-monthly online meetings with its member agencies for almost two years to deepen cooperation and exchange of experience between national agencies responsible for higher education. Bi-monthly meetings provide an opportunity for CEENQA members to learn about how other QA agencies work and what current projects and initiatives might be relevant to other colleagues from Central and Eastern Europe.
At the twelfth bi-monthly meeting of CEENQA, our Secretary gave in a fifteen-minute presentation about higher education in Serbia, with a focus on the work, organization, activities and projects of NEAQA, but also various challenges that NEAQA currently faces.